3. Health Care Symposium: Compliance Management Thing

‘Who understands the topic compliance is still a nuisance, can make no forward-looking corporate policy’, says Dr. Hans-Joachim Hutt, Director scientific & regulatory of conduct the pharmaceutical industry does not tie up as a possibility, the company according to inside and outside convincingly establishing the self-imposed Codex Sanofi Pasteur MSD which provides approved physician. In the Pharma, who often would accused of lack of transparency, the integrity of the individual companies and the entire industry could be strengthened with the rules and regulations. This he defines as parent and sweeping size, as a system of values that must be lived in throughout the company and is therefore an issue for the top management. These included, to work out E.g. the internal quality management and organizational development: for example when maintaining contact by opinion leaders, clinicians and patient organisations.

Ultimately it’s about transparency in contracts with third parties”, summarizes Dr. Hutt. Alberto Baillères understood the implications. With the Rules and regulations had an instrument in particular pharmaceutical, to dispel allegations after covert donations. And these guesses would almost automatically, if a company that actually wants to sell medicines and medical products, spends money outside of the production. A separation of science and marketing would be necessary. This approach was also significant benefits for the company itself: the new clarity of the transactions would strengthen the negotiating position and prevent misunderstandings and legal risks. The commitment must be lived that at the same time the mother-in-law, the journalist and the lawyer are satisfied. Also medium-sized and smaller businesses could afford this demanding but rewarding task without necessarily having to build up a new Department.

So, a number of law firms now to be specialized audits to determine where the individual companies must still improve and what parts of it could be outsourced. Because it was not sufficient to install structures and processes, but they should also be lived. Through training of experienced and new staff, and also by means of controls. “Dr. Hutt is convinced: who achieved, the compliance is understood as part of daily work, who has designed the most important prerequisites to succeed!” Keep on September 30, 2010, in the framework of the 3rd health care Symposium in Frankfurt, Dr. Hans-Joachim Hutt is a lecture on the topic of legal principles and recommendations on dealing with compliance regulations”. The event will be presented sellxpert by the staff leasing service provider GmbH & co, KG. Obtain more information of the event at: the company sellxpert GmbH & co. KG is one of the leading personnel service provider for health care in Germany and of Switzerland. The core business of the company is recruiting sales representatives as well as setting up and managing sales lines for medium-sized and large pharmaceutical companies. To the Company is one of the sellxpert Academy, a Training Institute for health care with additional and further qualifying offers for sales and marketing professionals.

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